Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Back in LALAdenarockville

Hey back home after a fabulous two weeks in Pittsburgh visiting my family with a side trip to Chicago for the show at DVA Gallery. Here is a picture of all of us artsy farts at a bar called Proust right next to the gallery.

We ate spaeztel and weird sour meatballs and I drank skunked wine from a dirty glass. I am so hardcore, man. Enjoy the weener plate picture, please. There were some sloshed frat and sorority types drinking brew from a very large glass boot across the room providing us with some lovely free entertainment. I feel that Chicago is a boozy place.

Speaking of brew, my brother's beer won a Silver Medal at the World Cup of Beer (check out category #74). This is a very cool thing. If you ever get a chance to drink any beer from Penn Brewery, do it cause it is real good. The Pilsner is my favorite. My brother is the Head Brewer over there. I wish they sold the beer in Pasadena. It is pretty much the only beer I drink. Here is a picture of the winning beer.

Backtracking. I wanted to go to the Carnegie International when I was in Pittsburgh but didn't get a chance. It looks groovy-- Doug Aitken, Barry McGee among others have stuff in it. I'll see it when I go back to the 'burgh in August. Also when I was in Chicago I saw the Karen Kilimnik show at the Museum of Contemporary Art. Her art rocks my world (I am embarrassed to use that phrase but I mean it). I got a little choked up when I saw it.

OK talk to you yinzers later.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dig your hair. Really.
