Monday, July 21, 2008

Palm trees and foolish shoes

Even though I have lived here for almost 13 years, there are days when I am shocked to realize that I live in frickin' California. What the hell? There is a dang lemon tree in my yard. Free damn lemons! When you grow up in Philly this is a big deal.

Yesterday was one of those days. Somehow Robert Festino (recent ditcher of the east coast) got me to go running with him at the freakin' beach and he got me to run faster and farther. How he do dat? It must have been his crazy yeller shoes. So very coolio. After running, we grabbed brunch in Venice beach, sat outside on the breezy sunny patio, watched the hipsters (including Tom Hanks) walk down the palm tree lined street and (nerd alert!) critiqued the use of arial on a gallery sign.

AND right now I am dog sitting for Mark Todd and Esther Pearl Watson. I'm using their house studio to work so the dogs will have some company. The window of their studio overlooks their POOL and a bunch of banana trees and there is a flock of wild parakeets flying around so I am still freakin' out a little. Sometimes life is very good. You dig?


Anonymous said...

hey thanks for the dog watching and stuffs. yes. we californians seem to be living in paradise at times.

Anonymous said...

Yeah... California is pretty awesome. I take it for granted since I grew up here... but you can't beat the weather. East coast- no thanks... fuck the snow...

Devadeva Mirel said...

are those the yellow shoes from japan?