Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Track suit CRACK!

Hidey Ho! Here is another track suit drawing by Frieda Gossett Clayton, Jr. III, Esq. Don't you love the crack? I certainly do. I need more track suits. I guess I should drawr one myself.

Lately I haven't been creating mucho arto. January was drab so I am taking a letterpress class to knock some creativity into my ass. Below the track suit is my first foray into pressing those letters on one of them printing contraptions. Dig it man. Seth Drenner is the teacher.

I had a very good cup of coffee the other day and I don't drink coffee. I know it was good because it didn't give me stinky bitter coffee mouth. It didn't even need sugar. It was at Intelligentsia Coffee at Sunset Junction. There were quite few hip-looking people milling about, but I will go back despite that. It may cause me to take up coffee drinking to replace the diet coke, of which, I stopped drinking last Wednesday. I am not putting that nutra sweet in my mouth anymore. OK gotta stop. No one really cares what I have to say anyhow, except myself. Hell yes.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I care Martha..I care. Stay off the nutra sweet, baby. I'm off of it too.

Lovin' the butt crack track suited girlie that Frieda did. More people need to send you track suit drawings.

What do you do in a letterpress class? Press letters...and stuff? I is ignorant.